
The Millersburg Area School District Concert Band is an elective performing group comprised of students in grades 7-12 playing either a wind or percussion instrument. During the late summer and fall, the band functions as the marching band. Advance preparation for this is accomplished through practicing in August at band camp. In addition, the band performs the pre-game or half time show at select home soccer games. The band also participates in community events, and local community parades and other performance opportunities as the season and the director determines. During the remainder of the year, the group functions as the Symphonic Band presenting two concerts during the school year, one during the winter holiday season, and one during the spring term. Community performances may also be scheduled. Performance literature is drawn from all periods and encompasses every type and style within the competency levels of high school musicians. County Band, PMEA District, Regional, State Band Festivals, and local Honors Band Festivals provide an opportunity to showcase our highly talented students in their pursuit of excellence. Students will be required to attend small group rotational pullout lessons (labs) once every week, attend all rehearsals and performances (including parades), and practice regularly.

2024 Winter Concert

The High School Choir and Band will present their annual winter concert on Sunday, December 8, 2024 at 3:00 pm in the Millersburg Area High School Auditorium.

2025 Spring Concert

The High School Choir, Band, and Jazz Band will present their annual spring concert on Sunday, April 6, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Millersburg Area High School Auditorium.

Current Repertoire

Concert Band 2024-25

Students! Click on the title for a listening sample...

Millersburg Area High School Concert Band
Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr. - Director

A Christmas Flourish

On a Winter's Night

A Holiday Galop

A Celtic Christmas




Entry of the Gladiators

The Syncopated Clock

As Days Go By

Soul Bossa Nova

The Incredibles