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The Millersburg Area Music Association (MAMA) meets regularly as a general membership every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM in the Band Room. Please see the Band Calendar for specific meeting dates and any rescheduled meetings due to weather, etc.

Executive Board 2024-2025

President - Brittany Hoffman
Vice-President - Vacant
Treasurer - Dan Hooper
Secretary - Jessica Hoy

Board Members (alphabetically) - Leslie Carns, Stacy Daugherty, Jason Enders, Kelly Enders,
Nicole Hooper, Danielle Santiago

Why is it important to be involved in MAMA?

Please remember that you do not need to participate in ALL fundraisers, but selling even a few items is encouraged! Not only do you help put money away for your child for the next music trip, but a small portion of the profits go to MAMA accounts to help offset the cost of things we do for ALL music students annually...

What are those things? Well, here's a list of just a few...

- provide refreshments and activities at band camp
- provide stipends for supplemental marching band camp staff
- sponsor the post-band camp music department family picnic and pool party with DJ
- purchase fundraising office supplies and postage
- maintain the music department website
- sponsor the annual music department banquet and provide decorations, awards ($1000+) and senior meals
- sponsor the Wayne Morlock drum major scholarship
- sponsor the Millersburg Area Music Association Scholarship ($1500)
- assist in providing transportation to the bi-annual music department out-of-state trip ($10,000)
- assist in providing transportation to the annual trip to Knoebel's for MS music students
- concert decorations
- concert programs
- stipends for piano accompanists for winter and spring choral concerts
- water and meals for band students prior to football games
- incidental uniform cleaning
- purchase color guard uniforms
- summer uniform shirts and belts for marching band members
- supporting the spring musical
- instrument and equipment purchasing
- purchase of the new equipment tractor for the marching band - 2013 ($2300)
- sponsored the 2010 Dauphin County Band Festival ($2000)
- Assisted the district in purchasing new performance/rehearsal chairs for the band ($1000)
- Assisted in the purchase of a new electronic piano for the district's choirs.

On any given year, you can expect that MAMA's annual budget is from $15,000 - $20,000. That about matches or exceeds what is provided to us by the school district.
So, you can imagine what would happen without your continued support!


Every year, parents have the opportunity to help out by volunteering as chaperones for home and away football games, parades, music department trips and other special events.  If every parent chaperoned only one event per year, there would be more than enough help. If you are available and willing, please contact the booster president.

Serve on a Committee

There are many tasks and committees on which to serve within the Music Association and we need YOUR help! Some of these include, fundraising committees (subs, BINGO, discount cards), uniform coordinator, banquet, trip planning committee, pre-game meals committee, etc. Now is the time to get interested and motivated to help make our music program even stronger for your child!

Contact our MAMA President to volunteer your time.

MAMA meets on a new night this year. MAMA meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the band room! All are welcome...

Attend a Function

Coming to games, parades and concerts to support our music students is vital! It’s no lie that today, there are many things to occupy the interests of our children including the internet, in-school and league athletics, after school jobs, and more.

Showing our children that their musical gifts and their participation and progress in music is an important part of their life and development to adulthood is so important. It’s not always easy, but encouraging your child to stay involved in all their interests will keep them active and out of trouble.

Simply being at events to cheer our students on makes a world of difference to the kids and will help show others that music is indeed “cool”. Remember, students can do music and sports as well as hold a part-time job. We have much to be proud of in Millersburg music!

Millersburg Area Music Association

Constitution and Bylaws