
PMEA District 7 Chorus Auditions

More infomation to come...


Click on the links below to download, print, or save copies of the music or recordings and pronunciation guides.  You are expected to practice regularly, and also set up time to work with Mr. Campbell in preparation for the audition. If it is determined that you are not prepared, you will not be permitted to audition.  If you have any questions, see Mr. Campbell. Good luck!


The format for the 2022 District Chorus auditions is still being discussed. More information will be posted here when it is available.


2022-2023 Audition Repertoire

"Music of Stillness” - Elaine Hagenberg

“Sing Joyfully” - William Byrd


Click here for all audition material.
Rehearsal and Audition Recordings can be found here.


Note: The Audition Materials Folder is set up to be viewed by anyone with the link. If you click the link and it says "Access Denied", it is because your school Google account does not allow you to view Google Drive folders from outside organizations. In this case, you will need to sign out of your school Google account on your device to view the folder. Do not press the "Request Access" button, as that will not solve the issue. Instead, try signing out of your school Google account and clicking the link again.